RDP Announcements

RDP Announcements

Call for submission of applications on irreclaimable financial support from Sectoral Operational Programme Agriculture and Rural Development, within the framework of the Priority 2: Support of sustainable rural development, Measure 2.3 - Promoting the Adaptation and Development of Rural Areas - Sub-measure 2.3.1 Land consolidation within the period on 27th September - 11th October 2006.
Code of the call: 1132031200617
(2. 8. 2006)
Call for submission of applications on irreclaimable financial support form Rural Development Plan of the Slovak Republic, within the framework of the Priority 1, Measure 9 Land consolidation within the period on 27th September - 11th October 2006.
(2. 8. 2006)
Announcement of APA's publication of Call for submission of applications on irreclaimable financial support within Sectoral Operational Programme Agriculture and Rural Development, Priority 2: Support of sustainable rural development, Measure 2.3 - Promoting the Adaptation and Development of Rural Areas - Sub-measure 2.3.1 - Land consolidation within the period on 27th September - 11th October 2006.
(2. 8. 2006)
Announcement of APA's publication of Call for submission of applications on irreclaimable financial support within Rural Development Plan of the Slovak Republic, within the framework of Priority 1, Sub-measure 9 Land consolidation within the period on 27th September - 11th October 2006.
(2. 8. 2006)
Announcement for applicants on irreclaimable financial support within SOP 2004-2006 and RDP 2004-2006
(2. 2. 2005)
Announcement on projects submitting within RDP SR Measure 1 Investments in agricultural holdings within RDP SR, Priority 1- Sustainable rural development (the main objective is to create a strong sector, improvement of living and working conditions in rural areas)
(published on 5. 1. 2005 at 11:27 )
Announcement on projects submitting within RDP SR Measure 5 Agro-environment and animal welfare within RDP SR, Priority 2 - Protection and improvement to the environment (objective is to protect natural resources and environment)
(published on 5. 1. 2005 at 11:27 )
Announcement on projects submitting within RDP SR Measure 6 - Improving processing and marketing of agricultural products within RDP SR, Priority 1 - Sustainable rural development (the main objective is to create a strong sector, improvement of living and working conditions in rural areas)
(published on 5. 1. 2005 at 11:27 )
Announcement on projects submitting within RDP SR Measure 12 - Producer groups within RDP SR, Priority 1- Sustainable rural development ( the main objective is to create a strong sector , improvement of living and working conditions in rural areas)
(published on 5. 1. 2005 at 11:27 )
Announcement for applicants within RDP for the area of the objective 1 + objective 2 horizontal measures
(published on 28. 10. 2004 at 9:07 )
Announcement for applicants on financial support within RDP
(published on 13. 9. 2004 at 17:00 )

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