About us
Agricultural Paying Agency (APA)
The Agricultural Paying Agency (APA) is a budgetary organization involved in financial relations with the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic.
Pursuant to Act no. 280/2017 Coll. on the provision of support and subsidies in agriculture and rural development and on its amendments, the APA is a state administration body in the provision of support and subsidies.
As the accredited body of the state administration provides administration of:
- supports from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund and funding for rural development under the integrated system under a special regulation, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the State Budget for co-financing joint programs of the Slovak Republic and the European Union to support agriculture, rural development and fisheries according to special regulations,
- subsidies from the State Budget for the support of agriculture, food, forestry, including the recovery of raw wood, rural development and fisheries according to special regulations.
The structure of APA comprises the Headquarters and 14 Regional Offices.